The John S. Swain House at 318 East 7th Street is listed as a contributing resource in the National Register Nomination for the Tyler Hill Historic District. The nomination refers to the house as the Ledbetter House, a common name reflecting its ownership in recent years by the Ledbetter family. The house is an excellent example of the Queen Anne Style with Eastlake details.
John S. Swain acquired lot three in block eight of the Tyler Hill subdivision from the Tyler Hill Company on December 10, 1888 in exchange for capital stock in the company valued at nine hundred dollars. No house is shown at this location on the map of the city of Anniston published by the Anniston City Land Company in January 1890. In July of that year, the Swains recorded a deed correction their earlier deed by indicating that the Tyler Hill Company stock was actually owned by Mrs. Swain. In November 1891, the Swains purchased the eastern thirty feet of the adjacent lot four from Mrs. S. Gleaves for four hundred dollars. The Timing of these latter two transactions suggest that the present house was constructed around this time with completion circa 1891.
The Swains are listed as residing at 318 E. 7th Street in the 1896 city directory, the first edition available after 1890. Swain was at the time associated with the firm of C.J. Houser and Swain, “Lumber, sahs, door, blinds, etc. , contractors,” Located on 16th Street between Pine Street and the railroad.